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Hard Wax Oil – Interior


Robust tung nut oil finish, with tree resin, plant oils and carnauba wax for all joinery, benches and floors.

Very high yield, grain filling hard wax oil.
Made with a blend of tree resin, plant oils and waxes.
For all interior joinery, floors, doors, window frames, timber, benches, plywood, particle board and earthen floors.

Can be coloured with our earthed-up pigment range
Shake well before use. Surface must be clean and dry. Use foam pad applicator, brush or spray.
Drying time 24 hours at 20oC. Air flow on floors is recommended if outside temperature is lower that 20oC
By the use of natural materials, if an odour occurs allow ventilation.
Typically covers 20m2 per litre. If you are using more you are applying too much. Wet your surfaces but don’t flood. After 20 minutes wipe of any shiny spots.
Store air-tight in a cool and dry environment.
Consider storing up side down to prevent skinning between uses.
Rags and equipment soaked in oil must be laid outside flat to dry, immersed in water or stored in an air tight container as they are at risk of auto-ignition.
Keep out of reach of children. Not for consumption.
Wear appropriate safety equipment.

INGREDIENTS: tung nut stand oil, tung nut oil, linseed oil, pine oil, tree resin, citrus oil, alkanes, carnauba wax and natural dryers.